"You don't ever have to fuss with Pink Tartan." Practical, functional, design with style is Kimberley Newport Mimran's guiding principle for Pink Tartan. What does that mean for travel? Kim says, make it simple. A simple jersey knit dress can go from day to dinner. Depending on the inspiration of the destination, a flip flop for the Amalfi Coast verses a ballet flat for Barcelona, a flat sole is a must for comfortable travel.
A word about comfortable shoes (a travel shoes article is in my future), there are four brands I can recommend now that look appropriate, I wouldn't say they are all the height of style, but they work for walking: Geox, Aerosoles, Cole Haan, Delman. Delman is expensive, but very simple, smart and comfortable.
Kim explained that she, "hates a lot of stuff," getting everything into one carrie-on bag eliminates the hassle of wait time and forces you to make good choices about what you pack. "There is always your favorite piece of the moment to take with you and then there are key items in my collections that can take you everywhere." Kim told me about a skinny riding pant made of high performance technical fabric that can last at least three years that we all should own!

A white shirt is another must. I've heard this before, but her philosophy about the white shirt is a little different. She says to examine the way the shirt looks on your body. Make sure it is tailored, not boxy and that is of heavy, 100 percent cotton fabric. Like any really good men's shirt, you would dry clean this special shirt, ladies. The whole conversation plays into Kim's mantra of, "buy smart, buy better." I wonder if my Thomas Pink or Facconable shirts would pass muster with this gal from Niagara Falls...
Photos, courtesy of Pink Tartan. Top left, Kimberley Newport-Mimran. Right, Pink Taran fab cotton shirt and high tech travel pant.
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